Kyle Terada - USA Today Sports
Kyle Terada - USA Today Sports

Cubs News: Epstein celebrates World Series title by eating roasted goat at Wrigley

by - Senior Editor -

The Chicago Cubs won their first World Series title since 1908 and Cubs nation has been partying hard since the final out.

Cubs president Theo Epstein is regarded as one of the main reasons why the Cubs broke the curse of the Billy Goat after such a long wait. What did he do for an encore? He just killed the curse again by eating roasted goat in the bleachers of Wrigley Field according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

"For Epstein’s executive team, Izard oven-roasted a 9 1/2 pound goat," Chicago Sun-Times said. "Boehm, Katz, and Boka Vice President Ian Goldberg delivered it to Epstein. “They were all sitting in the left-field bleachers in an empty Wrigley Field. They ate it right there,” said Boehm, who described the lunch as one of last week’s many moments of wonder."

I bet that roasted goat was so tasty and delicious for Epstein and Company. What a historic year for the Cubs!

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