Charles LeClaire - USA Today Sports
Charles LeClaire - USA Today Sports

Cubs News: David Ross wants to win it all: "If they're passing out a trophy, I want it"

by - Senior Editor -

The Chicago Cubs are trying to get back on the mountaintop after their epic World Series title in 2016.

The organization has a new manager in David 'Grandpa' Rossy, and he has that will to win that is so important.

Ross spoke with the media during Monday's Zoom session and said that he doesn't care if the season is shortened to only 60 games this season.

"If they're passing out a trophy, I want it," he said. "If they're handing out rings and we're all starting from the same point, I don't care if it's a five-game season."

Ross understands that his ballplayers can't wait to get the season going after waiting so long with no sports.

"This is a competition, and it's what we enjoy doing. It's why we suit up. If you talk to these players, they couldn't wait to get started. These guys were raring to go and couldn't wait to get back."

This is what you want to hear as Ross, and the players are excited to 'Fly the W' once again.

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