WATCH: Cubs react to Arrieta's underwear video

by - Senior Editor -

The Chicago Cubs players along with the Internet all saw Jake Arrieta's video of him sweeping in his underwear.

Anthony Rizzo was asked about Arrieta's video before Friday's game against the Diamondbacks.

"I love it, he said about Arrieta's sweeping. "That's what you do when you have company coming over. Got to get the house ready. Typical side session and he was home early by 10 and was a little bored."

Kris Bryant misses his former teammate.

"Something is wrong with Jake right now," Bryant laughed. "That is one of the funnier things that he's done. Gosh, I miss this guy. It is a little creepy. He knows how to have fun."

ICYMI: Jake Arrieta's Instagram sweeping video

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