Brian Jesson-Dalton Photo


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Brian Jesson-Dalton FAQ

What position does Brian Jesson-Dalton play for the Chicago Cubs? Brian Jesson-Dalton is a Pitcher for the Chicago Cubs
When did Brian Jesson-Dalton join the Chicago Cubs? 2020
What years did Brian Jesson-Dalton play for the Chicago Cubs? 2020,2021
Did Brian Jesson-Dalton play for the Chicago Cubs? Yes
What is Brian Jesson-Dalton's hometown? Lethbridge, AB
What city is Brian Jesson-Dalton from? Lethbridge
Where is Brian Jesson-Dalton from? Brian Jesson-Dalton is from Lethbridge, AB
How tall is Brian Jesson-Dalton? Brian Jesson-Dalton currently stands at 6-2
How much does Brian Jesson-Dalton weigh? Brian Jesson-Dalton currently weighs in at 195 pounds
What state is Brian Jesson-Dalton from? AB