Gary A. Vasquez-USA TODAY Sports
Gary A. Vasquez-USA TODAY Sports

Cubs News: Heyward's speech details during rain delay

by - Senior Editor -

The Chicago Cubs headed to the locker room after the rain delay and were given a stern speech by right fielder Jason Heyward.

“I just wanted them to remember how good they were, how good we are,” Heyward said. “Know how proud of them I was and that I loved them. That I mean it from the bottom of my heart.”

David Ross said that Heyward's speech sparked the team to the World Series title.

“He spoke up and said this is about your teammates,” Ross said. “He just said, `We’re the best team in baseball for a reason. Continue to play our game, support one another. These are your brothers here, fight for your brothers, lift them up, continue to stay positive. We’ve been doing this all year so continue to be us.’

The Cubs ended up with the 8-7 win and the first World Series since 1908.

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