Cubs News: Dancing with the Stars has invited Sammy Sosa as a contestant

by - Senior Editor -

Former Chicago Cubs slugger Sammy Sosa has taken the Internet by storm with the recent photos of him having a pink complexion.

However, this actually might work in Sosa's advantage because the popular show Dancing with the Stars is trying hard to get him on the 25th anniversary season coming up.

"Sammy has been asked a few times before to be on the show but they never got him. But now producers are happy with what David Ross did this past season as the first MLB player on the show and they think that they can use that leverage to get Sammy,” a source told

Dancing with the Stars had a great experience with David Ross and would love to have another former Cubs player to the mix.

"There is a lot of Cubs fans in production and they would love for him to be on next season to tell his story."

Sosa told ESPN Deportes the following recently about his skin condition.

“What happened was that I had been using the cream for a long time and that, combined with the bright TV lights, made my face look whiter than it really is. I don’t think I look like Michael Jackson."

Personally, I don't think the show understands the dynamics of Sosa and the Cubs because obviously, they will not be getting someone as beloved by the fans as Ross.

Sosa batted .273 with 609 homers, 1667 RBI, and .344 on-base percentage during his 18-year major league career.

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