Dennis Wierzbicki - USA Today Sports
Dennis Wierzbicki - USA Today Sports

Cubs News: Epstein's advice to improve your career

by - Senior Editor -

Wouldn't everyone want to know a way to get ahead in your career and make your boss truly happy?

Cubs President of Operations Theo Epstein should understand how to make people happy as he did the impossible with leading the Boston Red Sox and Chicago Cubs organizations to World Series titles.

So what is the key to Epstein?

"Whoever your boss is, or your bosses are, they have 20 percent of their job that they just don't like," Epstein told David Axelrod on his podcast, "The Axe Files."

"So if you can ask them or figure out what that 20 percent is, and figure out a way to do it for them, you'll make them really happy, improve their quality of life and their work experience."

He makes sense a lot of sense to me. Do the dirty work that your bosses don't want to do and see if that will makes you indispensable to your company.

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