Commentary: Thank you fans
Jerry Lai - USA Today Sports

Commentary: Thank you fans

by - Columnist -

As I’m sitting here at O dark hundred on Wednesday morning, I keep having this question running through my head about the Cubs losing last night and now out of the playoffs.

Are you devastated or are you disappointed?

Two big differences in feelings and I think I’m surprised that I feel only disappointed. My pal, and fellow writer for this excellent website, Ken Allison, put his thoughts out earlier, and while he knew deep down this was going to happen, he was still up all night thinking about his unhappiness.

Me, I slept like a dead person because I guess the loss didn’t shock me at all. If you look back at this entire season, it has been a series of emotional highs and lows but for only a brief period sustained happiness. Win three lose two. Win four lose three. Limp into the all-star break, rinse and repeat in the second half.

In a way, it is remarkable that the Cubs did as well as they have considering the injuries, weather, and scheduling nonsense for this year. I’m not going to make excuses for them, they didn’t get the job done, and that is what they are paid handsomely to do.

There is plenty of blame to go around, but I’m going to wait a day or so to clear my head before I decide what needs to change. I assure you though there will be significant changes. Likely even some that will shock fans to their core.

Today is a day to recover from an unbelievable season. I wrote, in one of my first stories for this outstanding publication, that it wasn’t easy to win a World Series and it was hard to be a Cubs fan. Nothing has changed. While I’m disappointed, I’m not surprised.

The Brewers had an incredible second half and in particular September and congratulations to them. Same goes for Colorado; they are the best team no one ever gets to see. Congratulations to our own beloved. Through all the frustrations and heartache, we are still behind you 100%, and we will be anxiously watching this offseason to see what the team will look like next February.

For now, I’m going to take a day and think things through before I comment on where I think the Cubs need to improve. I want to thank you the fans for your interest and passion regarding my stories and this website, and I want to thank for giving me the opportunity and platform to write about my favorite team this year.

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