Ian Desmond will spend time with his family in 2020 (Isaiah Downing - USA Today Sports)
Ian Desmond will spend time with his family in 2020 (Isaiah Downing - USA Today Sports)

Cubs News: Several baseball players opting out of 2020 season

by - Senior Editor -

Several baseball players are opting out of the 2020 season because of health concerns with the coronavirus pandemic still very contagious in the United States.

Colorado Rockies outfielder Ian Desmond shared on social media that he will not be playing but instead be taking care of his pregnant wife and four children.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has made this baseball season one that is a risk I am not comfortable taking," his post reads. "With a pregnant wife and four young children who have lots of questions about what's going on in the world, home is where I need to be right now. Home for my wife, Chelsey. Home to help. Home to guide. Home to answer my older three boys' questions about Coronavirus and Civil Rights and life. Home to be their Dad."

Washington Nationals teammates Ryan Zimmerman and Joe Ross have decided to skip the 2020 season as well as Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Mike Leake.

More players will likely announce in the coming weeks if COVID-19 continues to get worse as it certainly is a personal issue for players that have to think about the safety of themselves and the best for their families during this difficult time.

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