Commentary: Did you get the text, Matheny? YOU'RE FIRED
John Hefti - USA Today Sports

Commentary: Did you get the text, Matheny? YOU'RE FIRED

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Another dictatorial era may have come to an end Saturday, as the Cards fired manager, Mike Matheny, following a loss to last-place, Cincinnati. Mike Shildt, the Cards’ bench manager, will be serving as interim manager, for the rest of the season, while the Cards do their due diligence to find a permanent replacement. Former (steroid enhanced) Cardinal slugger, Mark McGwire and former Cubs’ catcher, and long-time Yankees manager, Joe Girardi, may be considered suitable replacements for the job, but the club won’t make any decisions immediately.

Matheny has been criticized, as of late, for his club’s habitual losses, his poor communication skills with players, a tense clubhouse atmosphere, and for what upper-manage perceives as questionable energy levels by its players. In a rather cowardly and juvenile move, much like an eighth-grade girl breaking up with a boyfriend, Matheny allegedly “fired” Dexter Fowler from his leadoff spot via text message. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? An [expletive] text message?

Pretty lame for a guy who’s supposed to be “managing” a multi-million dollar operation. I can only hope that Matheny was fired via text… we all know what karma is…

In a next-level, blame-game move, Cardinals’ President of Baseball Operations, John Mozeliak stated, “These decisions are never easy, but we felt that a change in leadership was necessary as the team prepares to enter the second half of the season.” I’d agree, John, the club needs new leadership; why don’t you do what’s best for the team and pack up as well? You blame Matheny for a lack of quality communication skills and for the team’s poor energy level, yet you call Fowler out in an interview and place the blame squarely on him. I guess it’s just the Cardinals’ way…

I’m not even going to begin to speculate about why Matheny felt that he had to rule with an iron fist, why he was so stubborn, or why he seemed so insecure. In 6.5 seasons with the Cards, Matheny produced a 591-474 record (.555), which was better than any of his predecessors, dating back to 1964, when manager, Johnny Keane, boasted a .560 winning percentage. Something had to have changed with Matheny this year though, as upper-management finally decided that enough was enough. I guess Matheny never learned that for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

Many of you seem to have a “Who cares?” attitude about the whole thing, as “their” Cards are not “our” Cubs, but not so fast- NEWSFLASH: there are actually five teams in the NL Central, and what the other four of them do, greatly affects the Cubbies. There will undoubtedly be a boost in the Cards’ clubhouse morale, and I don’t need them to decide that they’re going to turn this season around. I don’t know about you, but personally, I like having them 7.5 games back, leaving the Cubs to worry only about Milwaukee.

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