Kyle Terada - USA Today Sports
Kyle Terada - USA Today Sports

Cubs News: Theo Epstein named one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World

by - Senior Editor -

Cubs President Theo Epstein has brought World Series titles to the Boston Red Sox' faithful and to the Chicago Cubs' diehard fan base after 108 years of waiting last season.

Recently, Epstein was named shockingly as the World's Greatest Leader according to Fortune Magazine and now he has been given another award as one of the 100 most influential people in the world according to Time Magazine.

"Theo may be a creature of destiny, but he recognizes that he's also just another flawed human being, no better than anyone else," said. "It's an artful thing to thread that needle and wear it as a matter of common sense. He's more Old World than old school. Words and deeds need to match. Trust is earned. He apologizes to no one for caring."

Epstein is not satisfied with one World Series title for the Cubs as he is trying for several in the next few years.

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