Photo courtesy: Net One News
Photo courtesy: Net One News

Cubs fan bets life savings on Cubs to win World Series

by - Senior Editor -

The Cubs have a major league-best 24-6 record this season and fans are riding high and putting their money where their mouth is with regards to their Cubs.

A Chicago native Don Majewski has gone All-In on the Cubs betting his entire 401K retirement worth $200,000 on the Cubs winning the Word Series. The Cubs have a 3-to-1 payout, so if the Cubs win for the first time over in 108 years, he is looking to cash out $600,000. He should be looking at around $530,000 after government taxes get their piece of the pie.

The Cubs fan waited a night before laying it all down for a historic season for the Cubs.

"I waited overnight before buying the ticket because I promised my wife I'd sleep on it,” Majewski said via Net One News. "I've been watching the Cubs my whole life, and when you've been doing that, you know that this team is truly special."

Update: ESPN's David Purdum is reporting on Wednesday that the ticket is fake.

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