Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports
Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports

Cubs want to host 2020 All-Star game

by - Senior Editor -

The Chicago Cubs won their first World Series title in over 100 years and also have been renovating their iconic Wrigley Field. Now, that the Cubs have won a title and Wrigley Field has had a modern facelift, Cubs executives are pushing for the All-Star game in 2020.

"I'm optimistic," Cubs President of Business Operations Crane Kenney said Saturday at the Cubs convention. "No question, Chicago would be an incredible venue. We saw it during the World Series and the playoffs. We saw it with the TV ratings that were generated."

Kenney knows that the City of Chicago would embrace another huge baseball event such as the All-Star game.

"We think an All-Star Game here would be hugely popular and do great things for our city and great television ratings for the league."

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